Bootheel Healthcare Foundation

“Bootheel Healthcare Foundation” is a Missouri non-profit organization created to explore the needs and feasibility of healthcare in the Bootheel of Missouri.  It’s purpose is to create a model, that could be replicated, to provide healthcare and related education programs that will improve economic conditions, healthcare outcomes and create new jobs based on needs data and verified information in rural Missouri. The Foundation has selected as it’s legal representation the firm of Husch Blackwell, which has decades of experience counseling clients on the unique challenges of the operation of efficient and innovative healthcare systems.

Bootheel Healthcare Foundation is a non-profit organization. No individuals or companies financially benefit from the activities of this entity.  It was created by a group of concerned residents of the Bootheel with the intent to identify the healthcare needs and, most importantly, to evaluate the economic viability of various means of delivery of such healthcare. Governance of this organization consist of a Board of Directors.

Bootheel Healthcare Foundation will work with other non-profit or governmental entities to secure funding for a needs and economic viability study relating to providing healthcare in the Missouri Bootheel region. As a first step, a grant application has been filed with the Delta Regional Authority to fully fund these initial studies.

Long-term, Bootheel Healthcare Foundation will rely upon fact-supported data from trusted and experienced consultants with expertise in rural healthcare to advance strategy and operations to support healthcare providers in offering high quality and economically sustainable care to the community. The information from the feasibility and financial studies will help to assist the Board of Directors in determining the following factors:

  • Evaluate the development of innovative and efficient healthcare delivery facilities;
  • Alliance with existing healthcare providers as potential operators of an appropriate level facility;
  • Alliance with educators (high school, vocational and college) to provide healthcare and emergency services education to area students.

The primary objective of the Bootheel Healthcare Foundation is to determine, from a comprehensive study, the appropriate level of healthcare that is economically viable for the foreseeable future and that will, to the extent possible, meet the healthcare needs of the residents in the Missouri Bootheel.
